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The FlexDeploy distribution contains the following components:


Download links for the influx database software and client, if not already downloaded.

Influx database software (Linux) - Influx database software (Windows)

Influx database client (Linux) - Influx database client (Windows)

Untar the influx database software and client to the desired location.


Change the following locations: You must put absolute path as no environment variables are allowed in this file.


  • bolt-path: from <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/influxdb/data/influxd.bolt to <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/application/vsm/data/influxd.bolt

  • engine-path: from <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/influxdb/data/engine to <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/application/vsm/data/engine

  • sqlite-path: <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/influxdb/data/influxd.sqlite to <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/application/vsm/data/influxd.sqlite



After starting your server, check theĀ <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/logs/flexdeploy.0.logĀ file for the following error message:

  • ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found

If present, increase the number of processes for the database

  • Using SQLPlus update processes setting.

    • alter system set processes=200 scope=spfile;

  • Stop Tomcat

  • Restart the XE Database

  • Start Tomcat


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