Exports specified module(s) from CVS repository. Exported folders does not contain any .CVS folders as we are using export command, meaning that export has no knowledge of CVS repository and it can not be used for tag or commit. You must indicate Branch name for export operation. You can optionally provide commit date, which can be useful to export specific revision of files.
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name
Project Properties
Property Name
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Instance Code | FDCVS_INP_INSTANCE_CODE | Yes | CVS repository instance code. |
Module Names | FDCVS_INP_MODULE_NAMES | Yes | CVS repository modules to be exported from repository. |
Export Directory | FDCVS_INP_EXPORT_DIR | No | Subdirectory path inside the temp directory where files should be exported. If not specified, the export is done directly in the temp directory. |
Branch Name | FDCVS_INP_BRANCH_NAME | Yes | CVS branch name to be export. |
Commit Date | FDCVS_INP_COMMIT_DATE | No | Export code including and earlier than date. If not supplied latest from branch will be exported. |
Output Name
This operation doesn't consume or produce any artifacts.
This operation delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the environment instancetarget. Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the environment instance target which have that resource defined.
The following exceptions may be thrown by this operation:
FDCVS-00050 – indicates that the source CVS path doesn't exist or the plugin inputs are incorrect.