Versions Compared


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Table of Contents







The environment to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one environment configured for the build, it will be preselected.



The instance to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one instance configured for the build workflow it is preselected and marked and read-only.

ReleaseDependsSelect the release the build should be associated to if applicable.  If a release is selected, the build will create a snapshot for the release.



Select project stream to build from. Defaults to main stream (trunk). You can select any branch stream configured on the Project Configuration screen.

Force Build


If selected, forces the build even though no changes detected in the source. By default only build if there is any change from last build.

FlexFieldsDependsChange # above is an example of a FlexField configured on the Administration Tab. Any FlexFields that are configured for a Build Request will display here.
Related TicketsDependsIssue tracking tickets related to the build.

Workflow Version Override


Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.

Workflow Inputs


Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the build workflow. The workflow itself defines whether each input is required or not.





Project Version


The version of the project to submit for deployment.



The environment to execute the deployment on.

Deploy Instance(s)


The instance(s) to execute the deployment on. The list of instances which appear in the list are the deploy instances which are configured for the project.


Select if Pre-deploy workflow should be executed prior to Deploy execution. This will be visible only if project is configured with Pre-deploy workflow.

Pre-deploy workflow can be utilized as means to perform specific validations. For example, Oracle Database Plugin generates DDL statements based on differences in target and baseline being deployed, these statements can be validated by DBA by using Pre-deploy workflow.

Force Deploy


Force a deployment to occur even if the project version is already current in the selected environment. Defaults to No.

Exception To Window


Indicate that the deployment is being requested to run outside of any defined deployment window, triggering an approval. Defaults to No.

Start Time


An optional delayed start time for the deployment. Start time is not applied to Pre-deploy workflow.

FlexFieldsDependsRollback on Failure? above is an example of a FlexField configured on the Administration Tab. Any FlexFields that are configured for Deploy / Utility Request will display here.

Workflow Version Override


Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.

Workflow Inputs


Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the deploy workflow.







The environment to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one environment configured for the build, it will be preselected.



The instance to execute the build on. Note that if there is only one instance configured for the build workflow it is preselected and marked as read-only.

ReleaseNoSelect the release the build should be associated to, if applicable. If no packages for the project are configured in any Release, release drop down will not be shown. If a release is selected, the build will create a snapshot for the release.



Select project stream to build from. Defaults to main stream (trunk). You can select any branch stream configured on the Project Configuration screen.

Force Build


If selected, forces the build even though no changes detected in the source. By default only build if there is any change from last build. Currently only appears when SVN is selected as SCM Type in Project Configuration.

FlexFieldsDependsChange # above is an example of a FlexField configured on the Administration Tab. Any FlexFields that are configured for a Build Request will display here.

Workflow Version Override


Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version. Defaults to the active version.

Workflow Inputs


Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the build workflow. The workflow itself defines whether each input is required or not.

Related TicketsDependsOptionally, a ticket for your issue tracking system may be  required.

Package Name


Name of the package.

  • If <No Name> is selected, build is initiated without any specific package name.
  • File list will be updated when you select a package, except when selecting <No Name> or newly created package.
  • Package name list will be filtered if Release is selected based on packages configured in Release definition.
  • If you want to add new package, click Plus icon and enter new package name.Package Name can only contain Letters, Numbers, Underscore, Dash, Dot, Space and Parentheses. If you have configured Package Name Script, then new package name will default accordingly.
  • If you want to use existing package, you can just select it from drop-down. If there are too many items in drop-down, you can click + icon and start typing package name in popup, then select specific package, click OK. In this situation, you will be just selecting existing package.







The environment to execute the deployment on.

Execute Instance(s)


The instance(s) to execute the workflow on. The list of instances which appear in the list are the deploy instances which are configured for the project.

Force Execute


Alway set to yes.  Utility projects will execute every time.

Exception To Window


Indicate that the execution is being requested to run outside of any defined execution window, triggering an approval. Defaults to No.

Start Time


An optional delayed start time for the execution.

FlexFieldsDependsChange # above is an example of a FlexField configured on the Administration Tab. Any FlexFields that are configured for Deploy / Utility Request will display here.

Workflow Version Override


Optionally select the version of the workflow to execute. Defaults to the active version.

Related TicketsDependsIssue tracking tickets related to the execution.

Workflow Inputs


Enter values for any inputs that are configured for the deploy workflow.
