- Run FlexDeploy scripts. Type the password when asked. PostgresDDL.txt records the output of the script so that you can refer back to it later.
- cd <Flexdeploy Unzip Folder>\database\postgres\install
- /path/to/psql -U postgres -h hostname -p 5432 -d flexdeploy -a -b -e -f CreateFlexDeploySchemas.sql > PostgresDDL.txt
- Run FlexDeploy scripts. Type the password when asked. PostgresDDL.txt records the output of the script so that you can refer back to it later.
- cd <Unzip Folder>/database/postgres/install
- C:\path\to\psql -U postgres -h hostname -p 5432 -d flexdeploy -a -b -e -f CreateFlexDeploySchemas.sql > PostgresDDL.txt