Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. You should set the FD_ADMIN password before running the scripts.
  2. Open the file /database/postgres/install/scripts/Create SchemasCreateSchemas.sql
    1. Edit the line: CREATE USER FD_ADMIN with password 'welcome1'; so that it has a new password in it.
  3. Create a new Postgres PostgreSQL Database named flexdeploy (you could also use another database and then change the line "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE flexdeploy TO FD_ADMIN;" to have a different database granted.
  4. Open a command prompt or putty window to the /database/postgres/install folder from extracted zip, launch psql (use full path if not available on PATH environment)
  5. Run as a user like postgres with privileges to create users and schemas within that database.
  6. Change the bold text as needed in your environment.
  7. Run the appropriate command below.



  • cd C:\installs\FlexDeployPostgresql\database\postgres\install
  • /path/to/psql -U postgres -hhostname -p5432 -d flexdeploy -a -b -e -f CreateFlexDeploySchemas.sql > postgresDDL.txt



  • cd C:\installs\FlexDeployPostgresql\database\postgres\install
  • C:\path\to\psql -U postgres -hhostname -p5432 -d flexdeploy-a -b -e -f CreateFlexDeploySchemas.sql > postgresDDL.txt

Type the password when asked.


The creation will take a few moments. Then you are ready to connect your datasource to the database.


You should record the FD_ADMIN password


, which you modified in CreateSchemas.sql file.