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XDF is used to store high-dimensional data and information related to it in compact XML format. The purpose is to have interchangeable and high quality format that can be used as a main archive format for this kind of data.

Object Type Identification

  • Files with extension .xdf are considered regardless of location.

File Extensions

File content is also further analyzed by populate process.


DescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceSOURCEObject Source Location Type


Target LocationTARGET_LOCATIONPath to where the file should be deployed to.$<PROD_TOP>/patch/115/xdf/
Primary Object Schema PropertyPRIMARY_OBJECT_SCHEMAFlexDeploy property to use as the user to connect to the database with.

If the xdf file contains "Primary Object Schema Name :"

then the value becomes

FDEBS_SCHEMA${SCHEMA_NAME}_DB_USER otherwise it defaults to


Primary Object Password Property

PRIMARY_OBJECT_PASSWORDFlexDeploy property to use as the password for the DB User Property.

If the xdf file contains "Primary Object Schema Name :"

then the value becomes

FDEBS_SCHEMA${SCHEMA_NAME}_DB_PASSWORD otherwise it defaults to


JDBC ProtocolJDBC_PROTOCOLDriver type for the database.thinthin | oci8
Object TypeTYPEXDF Object Typeallall | table | qtable | mview | mviewlog | sequence | type | trigger | view | policy

Path to where the xsl folder is located.

Target File PermissionsFILE_PERMISSIONSPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployedDefaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS

Related Project Properties

NameDescriptionDefault Value

Sample Build Commands 
