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FlexDeploy Configure Price Quote (CPQ) plugin provides ability to export migration packages from one CPQ environment and import into another CPQ environment.


FlexDeploy supports creation of CPQ cloud instances. The following properties will be configured for each Instance. These properties are available to all operations.

Property CodeNameProperty NameCodeRequiredDescription
Oracle CPQ URLFDCPQACCT_INSTANCE_URLOracle CPQ URLYesURL of the Oracle CPQ environment. Typically the URL of your Oracle Cloud service e.g.
Oracle CPQ UsernameFDCPQACCT_USERNAMEOracle CPQ UsernameYes

The username for your Oracle environment. User will require Administrator permissions to migrate packages. 

Oracle CPQ PasswordFDCPQACCT_PASSWORDOracle CPQ PasswordYesThe password for your Oracle environment.
