Versions Compared


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  • PostgreSQL 11
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 1 or 2 CPU
  • At least 10GB of available space, may need additional space. Purge settings within FlexDeploy will determine future needs.
  • Normal database backup procedures should be followed outside of the FlexDeploy Application. Backing up of this database is not included in FlexDeploy.
  • FlexDeploy uses three databases schemas (FD, FF, and FD_ADMIN) in the database and performs all work using the FD_ADMIN user.


  1. You should set the FD_ADMIN password before running the scripts.
  2. Open the file /database/postgres/install/scripts/Create Schemas.sql
  3. Edit the line: CREATE USER FD_ADMIN with password 'welcome1'; so that it has a new password in it.
  4. Create a new Postgres Database named flexdeploy (you could also use another database and then change the line "GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE flexdeploy TO FD_ADMIN;" to have a different database granted.
  5. Open a command prompt or putty window to the /database/postgres/install folder from extracted zip, launch psql(use full path if not available on PATH environment)
  6. Run as a user like postgres with privileges to create users and objects within those schema usersschemas within that database.
  7. Change the bold text as needed in your environment.
  8. Run the appropriate command below.


/path/to/psql -U postgres -hhostname -p5432 -d postgres flexdeploy -a -b -e -f CreateFlexDeploySchemas.sql > postgresDDL.txt


C:\path\to\psql -U postgres -hhostname -p5432 -d postgres flexdeploy-a -b -e -f CreateFlexDeploySchemas.sql > postgresDDL.txt
