Applies a K8 manifests defined in the project configuration. Will optionally deploy Istio Service Mesh manifests for deployment strategies.
Project Properties
This plugin makes use of separate project configuration.
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Context | FDKN_INP_CONTEXT | Yes | The kubectl context to use for deployment. If unsure, running the following command will show the current context: kubectl config current-context |
Deployment Strategy | FDKN_INP_DEPLOYMENT_STRATEGY | No | Deployment Strategy to use during deployment. If using Pipelines, leave this blank |
Finish Deployment Strategy | FDKN_INP_FINISH_DEPLOYMENT | No | This will ensure that all BLUE pods are converted over to GREEN, thus ending the strategy. If using Pipelines, leave this blank |
Namespace | FDKN_INP_NAMESPACE | No | Namespace where the resource will be deployed to. |
This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.