This operation allows a user to manage the size of resources in Deployment, DeploymentConfig, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or StatefulSet.
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OpenShift executable path | FDOC_OPENSHIFT_CLI_HOME | No | Path to the install location of the OpenShift(oc) CLI executable. If no value is provided, it is assumed that the executable is present in the shell PATH |
OpenShift Account | FDOC_OPENSHIFT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT | Yes | The OpenShift account used for executing commands in an environment with all the required properties like API URL and API Token. |
OpenShift Additional Parameters | FDOC_OPENSHIFT_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS | No | Additional parameters to be used for the login and project commands(eg. --insecure-skip-tls-verify=false) |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Project | FDOC_INP_PROJECT | No | The project to use. If no project is specified, commands will be run for the default project of the given OpenShift user. |
Replicas Coun | FDOC_INP_REPLICAS_COUNT | Yes | Number of replicas to scale a resource to. |
File Path | FDOC_INP_FILE_PATH | No | Absolute path to configuration file or the kustomization directory containing the details of the resources to scale. |
Additional Parameters | FDOC_INP_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS | No | Additional Parameters for the run command. If the file path is not set, resources to scale are specified here. |