Access event listeners by navigating to Administration → Integrations → Events. [insert picture]
Creating/Editing Event Listeners
To create a new event listener, click the [insert button pic here] button. To view or edit a event listener, click on the name of the event listener.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the listener |
Description | The description of the listener |
Active | Whether or not the listener is active (Defaults to Yes) |
Events | The events you want your listener to subscribe to |
Groovy Script
The groovy script for the listener will be executed when a corresponding even type is executed within FlexDeploy. The editing window has capabilities for undo, redo, find, find and replae, and go to line. There are a variety of context variables and methods available to use in this script. Type ‘Ctrl + space’ in the editor for suggestions on variables and methods that can be used. See more example of listeners on our Sample Event Listeners page.