Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Project.setProjectPath(String pProjectPath)Yes

Set Project path. For example. FlexDeploy/SOA/HR. In this example, SOA folder will be created if it does not exist and HR application will be created if it does not exist.

You must make sure that you are defining last element in Project Path consistently as Application. For example, along with above example FlexDeploy/SOA/HR, if you used path as FlexDeploy/SOA/HR/Application, you will have issues.

Project.setProjectName(String pProjectName)YesSet Project Name.
Project.setDeployPriority(Integer pDeployPriority)YesSet Project Priority. If not supplied 1 is used.
Project.setDeployPriorityScope(String pDeployPriorityScope)YesDefaults to Application. Possible values are Application,Folder,Global.
Project.setDescription(String pDescription)Yes
Project.addProperty(String pPropertyName, Object pPropertyValue)YesNo

This depends on type of Project being created. For example,

Code Block
// using hard coded partition name as default.
Project.addProperty("FDSOA_PARTITION", "default");

// Using Input PartitionName. Each project can specify different partition
Project.addProperty("FDSOA_PARTITION", PartitionName);

Project.addProperty("FDSOA_OVERWRITE_REVISION", false);

Project.addProperty("FDSOA_MAKE_DEFAULT_REVISION", true);

Project.addProperty(String pPropertyName, Object pPropertyValue, boolean pExpression)NoSame as above method, except you can specify whether Property Value is expression or not by using boolean parameter.
Project.setActive(boolean pActive)NoDefault would be true.


SCM TypeSupported Methods

Code Block
Project.addSVNConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addSVNConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pTrunkPathScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pTagPathScript, String pCheckoutDirectory)

Project.addSVNConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)


Project.addSVNConfig(1,"SVNPROD","\"/trunk/\" + ProjectName","\"/branches/\" + StreamName + \"/\" + ProjectName","","")

Create a SVN configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for SVN.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Trunk Path Script, Branch Path Script, Tag Path Script and Checkout Directory will be populated from the Project SVN Setup Defaults.

For example, 

Project.addSVNConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pTrunkPathScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pTagPathScript, String pCheckoutDirectory)

Create a SVN configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for SVN.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Trunk Path Script, Branch Path Script, Tag Path Script and Checkout Directory provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project SVN Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 


Code Block
Project.addGITConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addGITConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pBranchPathScript, String pTagPathScript, String pCheckoutDirectory, String pSparseCheckoutFoldersScript)

Project.addGITConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)

Create a GIT configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for GIT.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Branch Path Script, Tag Path Script, Checkout Directory and Sparse Checkout Folders Script will be populated from the Project GIT Setup Defaults.

For example, 


Project.addGITConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pBranchPathScript, String pTagPathScript, String pCheckoutDirectory, String pSparseCheckoutFoldersScript)

Create a GIT configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for GIT.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Branch Path Script, Tag Path Script, Checkout Directory and Sparse Checkout Folders Script provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project GIT Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 



Code Block
Project.addTFVCConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addTFVCConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pMainPathScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Project.addTFVCConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)

Create a TFVC configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for TFVC.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Main Path Script, Branch Path Script, Label Name Script and Checkout Folder Script will be populated from the Project TFVC Setup Defaults.

For example, 


Project.addTFVCConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pMainPathScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Create a TFVC configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for TFVC.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Main Path Script, Branch Path Script, Label Name Script and Checkout Folder Script provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project TFVC Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 

Project.addTFVCConfig(1,"TFVCPROD","\"\\\$/\" + ProjectName + \"/main\"","\"\\\$/\" + ProjectName + \"/\" + StreamAttribute1","ProjectName + ProjectVersion","")


Code Block
Project.addPERFConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addPERFConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pMainPathScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Project.addPERFConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)

Create a PERF configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for PERF.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Main Path Script, Branch Path Script, Label Name Script and Checkout Folder Script will be populated from the Project PERF Setup Defaults.

For example, 


Project.addPERFConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pMainPathScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Create a PERF configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for PERF.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Main Path Script, Branch Path Script, Label Name Script and Checkout Folder Script provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project PERF Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 

Project.addPERFConfig(1,"PERFPROD","\"//StreamsDepot/\" + ProjectName","\"//StreamsDepot/\" + ProjectName","ProjectName + \"-\" + ProjectVersion","")


Code Block
Project.addCVSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addCVSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pModuleNameScript, String pBranchNameScript, String pTagScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Project.addCVSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)

Create a CVS  configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for CVS.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Module Name Script, Branch Name Script, Tag Script and Checkout Folder Script will be populated from the Project CVS Setup Defaults.

For example, 


Project.addCVSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pModuleNameScript, String pBranchNameScript, String pTagScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Create a CVS configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for CVS.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Module Name Script, Branch Name Script, Tag Script and Checkout Folder Script provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project CVS Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 

Project.addCVSConfig(1,"CVSPROD","ProjectName","StreamName","\"R\" + ProjectVersion.replace(\".\",\"_\")","")


Code Block
Project.addCCUCMConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addCCUCMConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pProjectVobScript, String pVobPathsScript, String pStreamScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Project.addCCUCMConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)

Create a CCUCM  configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for CCUCM.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Project VOB Script, VOB Path Script, Stream Script, Label Name Script, and Checkout Folder Script will be populated from the Project CCUCM Setup Defaults.

For example, 


Project.addCCUCMConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pProjectVobScript, String pVobPathsScript, String pStreamScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Create a CCUCM configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for CCUCM.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Project VOB Script, VOB Path Script, Stream Script, Label Name Script, and Checkout Folder Script provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project CCUCM Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 

Project.addCCUCMConfig(1,"CCUCMPROD","\"\"","\"\"","StreamName","\"FD_\" + ProjectName +\"_\"+StreamName","")


Code Block
Project.addPVCSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)
Project.addPVCSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, String pProjectPathScript, String pPromotionGroupScript, String pUsingPGScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Project.addPVCSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName)

Create a PVCS  configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for PVCS.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Project Path Script, Promotion Group Script UsingPGScript, Branch Path Script, Label Name Script, and Checkout Folder Script will be populated from the Project PVCS Setup Defaults.

For example, 


Project.addPVCSConfig(int pSequenceNumber, String pInstanceName, , String pProjectPathScript, String pPromotionGroupScript, String pUsingPGScript, String pBranchPathScript, String pLabelNameScript, String pCheckoutFolderScript)

Create a PVCS configuration for the project based on a pre-configured SCM instance code for PVCS.  The sequence number allows you to create multiple configurations per project (sequencing starts at 1).  The values for Project Path Script, Promotion Group Script UsingPGScript, Branch Path Script, Label Name Script, and Checkout Folder Script provided on the method will overwrite the values from the Project PVCS Setup Defaults.  Passing in an empty string will not override the given default value.  ProjectName and StreamName are available variables within project configuration that can be used to make generic formulas.

For example, 

Project.addPVCSConfig(1,"PVCSPROD","\"/\"+ProjectName","StreamAttribute1","\"\"","\"true\"","ProjectName + ProjectVersion","")
