Executes SoapUI test suites and test cases defined in a SoapUI project file. The xml file will be copied to the FD_TEMP_DIR and Property Replacement will be performed on the file. See the File Plugin documentation for more information about Property Replacement.
Test Instance Properties
Property Name | Required | Description |
FDSUI_SOAPUI_PATH_TO_TESTRUNNER_FILE | Yes | Absolute path to the testrunner script (.sh or .bat) |
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Required | Description |
Project Properties
Property Name | Required | Description |
Input Name | Required | Description |
FDSUI_ARGS | No | Arguments to pass Testrunner in addition to –r –j (e.g. –a –c 'TestCase2') |
FDSUI_SOAPUI_PROJECT_FILE | Yes | Path to SoapUI Project file. If a relative path is specified, it will be relative to the FD_ARTIFACTS_DIR directory. |
Output Name | Required | Description |
This operation doesn't consume or produce any artifacts.
If you would like to turn down the logging in SoapUI, it is necessary to edit the soapui-log4j.xml on the testing instance. Change the section shown below from DEBUG to ERROR.
<logger name="com.eviware.soapui">
<level value="DEBUGERROR" />
<appender-ref ref="SOAPUI"/>
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>