Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Environment State report provides visibility into the most recently deployed project versions to each of the environments and instances across the topology. To filter the report, select a Project Name, SCM Revision, Environment, Instance, Package Name, File Path, and if the report should represent Partial Deployments only and click the Search button.Image Removeduse Basic or Advanced mode.

Report will initialize to Basic mode with no filter criteria.

titleResult table details

Name is either

  • Fully qualified project name
  • Fully qualified application name
  • Release name / gate name.

Ref #

  • S - for pipeline stage execution and stage execution id
  • P - for project request and workflow request id
  • A - for application request and folder request id


  • Project version
  • Application version
  • Release snapshot

Basic Search

Search FieldSearch OperatorNotes
Task StatusEqualsApproved or Rejected (i.e. executed or cancelled)
EnvironmentEqualsConfigured Active Environments
Requested OnAfter, Before or Between

Task requested time

Depending on whether first, second or both values are provided respectively

Image Added

Advanced Search

Search FieldSearch OperatorNotes
Task StatusEqualsApproved or Rejected (i.e. executed or cancelled)
EnvironmentEqualsConfigured Active Environments
Requested OnAfter, Before or Between

Task requested time

Depending on whether first, second or both values are provided respectively

Ref #EqualsSearch for Project, Application or Pipeline Stage Execution id
ReleaseContains Ignore Case

Release name, suggestions are provided as you type

You can use partial or full Release name.

Override ByEqualsexact user name of person that overrode scheduled time or cancelled request
Override OnAfter, Before or Between

Override scheduled time or cancel request time

Depending on whether first, second or both values are provided respectively

Scheduled TimeAfter, Before or Between

Original scheduled time that was requested

Depending on whether first, second or both values are provided respectively

Package NameEqualsPackage name, only applicable for partial deployment projects
Build Request FlexfieldsEquals

Depends on configured active and visible Build Request Flexfields

Only applies to project and application executions

Deploy Request FlexfieldsEquals

Depends on configured active and visible Deploy Request Flexfields

Only applies to project and application executions

Image Added


The reference number (Ref #) in the first column can be used to correlate data across reports. It refers to the project, application, or stage execution identification number.