To configure the Project Files for a Partial Deployment project, click on the Project Files tab.
Figure 9.24
Initially Populating Project Files
- Use the Populate from SCM button
- Manually add files using the Create button
Figure 9.25
Figure 9.26
Using the Populate from SCM button
When you click the Populate from SCM button, the following screen will pop up. Depending on how many files you have, this operation can take several minutes.
Figure 9.27
The Populate from SCM operation will iterate through each of the SCM Projects Sources you have configured, and will import the files. Based on your properties, the populate operation will complete the configuration required for each file based on its object type.
When you click the Create button, the following screen will pop up.
Figure 9.28
Enter the File Name (with Path) as indicated above, then click the Evaluate button. Based on the rules for that object type and configured project properties, the remaining fields will populate. These fields will vary based on the plugin and object type. Optionally, you can adjust the configuration based on you requirements. In the example above, if you adjust the Target Location and click the Evaluate button again, all fields except Target Location will be reevaluated and Deploy Command will reflect manual change done on Target Location.
The Project Files contents are based on the Object Type Drop down circled in Figure 9.29.
Figure 9.29
When selecting the drop down, you see the list of Object Types supported for the type of Partial Deployment project you selected when you created the project. In Figure 9.30the figure below, the information displayed for each object type is
- The Object Type Name
- N of M where N is the number of files which are of the type that match the filter, and M is the total number of files of that type. If the number of files for that type which also match the filter is greater than 0, then the line in the dropdown will be bolded.
- Number of files that are selected
- The currently selected object type will be in gray.
Figure 9.30
Updating the List of Files
The filtering is done across all Object Types. Filtering is based on the Filter text. If the Filter text is found in the File Name (with Path) column, then the file matches the filter and will be displayed in the table. Optionally, you can select to Show Inactive files. To use the filter, set the criteria and click the Filter button.
Figure 9.31
Editing a File Row
There are 2 actions that you can perform on the row. The Pencil allows you to edit the Row.
Figure 9.32
The second icon is either a red circle with an X icon or a green circle with a check mark, the red icon allows you to inactivate the row, and the green icon allows you to activate the row.
When you click the Pencil icon to edit the row, the Edit File screen will pop up.
Figure 9.33
The Edit File pop up screen allows you to update the values for the following fields:
The first column in the table is a check box that allows you to select and unselect files individually as shown in Figure 9.34the following figure.
Figure 9.34
At the Object Type level there are three buttons as shown in Figure 9.27. These the figure below. hese button do the following:
- All – Selects all of the files for that Object Type based on current filter
- None – Unselects all the files for that Object Type based on current filter
- Invert - Unselects all the files that are currently selected and selects all the files that are currently unselected based on current filter.
Figure 9.35
To manipulate the files across project types use the buttons shown in Figure 9.36. the figure below. These button do the following:
- All – Selects all the files across all Object Types based on current filter
- None – Unselects all the files across all Object Types based on current filter
Figure 9.36