Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Output Name





This is the baseline ID currently deployed to the target environment OR the baseline ID created from this deployment.

FDORA_OUT_NEW_BASELINE_IDNoThis is the baseline ID being deployed to this environment.
FDORA_OUT_DELTA_BASELINE_IDNoThe ID to track the DDL used for this deployment.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TABLE_COUNTNoCount of tables dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TABLE_COUNTNoCount of tables created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TABLE_COUNTNoCount of tables altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_COLUMNS_COUNTNoCount of columns dropped.
FDORA_OUT_ADD_COLUMNS_COUNTNoCount of columns added.
FDORA_OUT_MODIFY_COLUMN_COUNTNoCount of columns modified.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_CONSTRAINT_COUNTNoCount of constraints dropped.
FDORA_OUT_ADD_CONSTRAINT_COUNTNoCount of constraints added.
FDORA_OUT_MODIFY_CONSTRAINT_COUNTNoCount of constraints modified.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_INDEX_COUNTNoCount of indexes dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_INDEX_COUNTNoCount of indexes created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_INDEX_COUNTNoCount of indexes altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_VIEW_COUNTNoCount of views dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_VIEW_COUNTNoCount of views created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_VIEW_COUNTNoCount of views altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_SEQUENCE_COUNTNoCount of sequences dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_SEQUENCE_COUNTNoCount of sequences created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_SEQUENCE_COUNTNoCount of sequences altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_PROCEDURE_COUNTNoCount of procedures dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_PROCEDURE_COUNTNoCount of procedures created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_PROCEDURE_COUNTNoCount of procedures altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TRIGGER_COUNTNoCount of triggers dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TRIGGER_COUNTNoCount of triggers created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TRIGGER_COUNTNoCount of triggered altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_SYNONYM_COUNTNoCount of synonyms dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_SYNONYM_COUNTNoCount of synonyms created.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_FUNCTION_COUNTNoCount of functions dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_FUNCTION_COUNTNoCount of functions created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_FUNCTION_COUNTNoCount of functions altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TYPE_COUNTNoCount of types dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TYPE_COUNTNoCount of types created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TYPE_COUNTNoCount of types altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_TYPE_BODY_COUNTNoCount of type body drops.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_TYPE_BODY_COUNTNoCount of type body creates.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_TYPE_BODY_COUNTNoCount of type body alters.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_PACKAGE_COUNTNoCount of packages dropped.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_PACKAGE_COUNTNoCount of packages created.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_PACKAGE_COUNTNoCount of packages altered.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_PACKAGE_BODY_COUNTNoCount of package body drops.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_PACKAGE_BODY_COUNTNoCount of package body creates.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_PACKAGE_BODY_COUNTNoCount of package body alters.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_MVIEW_COUNTNoCount of materialized view drops.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_MVIEW_COUNTNoCount of materialized view creates.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_MVIEW_COUNTNoCount of materialized view alters.
FDORA_OUT_DROP_MVIEW_LOG_COUNTNoCount of materialized view log drops.
FDORA_OUT_CREATE_MVIEW_LOG_COUNTNoCount of materialized view log creates.
FDORA_OUT_ALTER_MVIEW_LOG_COUNTNoCount of materialized view log alters.
FDORA_OUT_OBJECT_GRANT_COUNTNoCount of object grants.
FDORA_OUT_BL_TABLE_COUNTNoCount of tables in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_INDEX_COUNTNoCount of indexes in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_CONSTRAINT_COUNTNoCount of constraints in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_SEQUENCE_COUNTNoCount of sequences in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_PROCEDURES_COUNTNoCount of procedures in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_VIEWS_COUNTNoCount of views in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_SYNONYMS_COUNTNoCount of synonyms in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_MVIEW_COUNTNoCount of materialized views in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_BL_MVIEW_LOG_COUNTNoCount of materialized view logs in the new baseline.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_TABLE_COUNTNoCount of table renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_COLUMN_COUNTNoCount of column renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_CONSTRAINT_COUNTNoCount of constraint renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_INDEX_COUNTNoCount of index renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_VIEW_COUNTNoCount of view renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_SEQUENCE_COUNTNoCount of sequence renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_TRIGGER_COUNTNoCount of trigger renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_RENAME_SYNONYM_COUNTNoCount of synonym renames processed.
FDORA_OUT_BL_PRIVILEGES_COUNTNoCount of object privileges in the new baseline.


This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.


This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.

Special Considerations

[Delete section if not needed]

Describe any dependencies between properties that may exist or anything that that isn’t really covered above but is relevant to this operationThe plugin currently requires the source and target schema names to be the same.