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collection of reusable code, programs, and database objects that provides common functionality across all E-Business products.

Object Type Identification


NameCodeDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceSOURCEObject Source Location Type


Target LocationTARGET_LOCATIONPath to where the file should be deployed to.$<PROD_TOP>/
ForceFORCEConfiguration file used to download/upload data.TRUE
Java ClasspathCLASSPATHSpecifies the current language of the session.$CLASSPATHAny valid language name using the OLAP DML syntax.
DB User PropertyDB_USER_PROPERTYProperty Name for Database User NameFDEBS_DB_USERAny FlexDeploy property containing the user name
DB User PasswordDB_PW_PROPERTYProperty Name for Database PasswordFDEBS_DB_PASSWORD

Any FlexDeploy property containing the user name.


Be sure to mark any custom properties as encrypted such the property does not appear in clear text.

Target File PermissionFILE_PERMISSIONSPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployedDefaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS


Code Block
cp "$SOURCE_FILE" "$JAVA_TOP/xxt/oracle/apps/ak/xxperson/schema/server/";
javacloadjava -Xlint:none  -classpath $CLASSPATH "u $FDEBS_DB_USER/$FDEBS_DB_PASSWORD@"$AD_APPS_JDBC_URL" $JAVA_TOP/xxt/oracle/apps/ak/xxperson/schema/server/xxPersonDetailsEOImpl.javaclass -force -v -r -t 

cp "$SOURCE_FILE" "$JAVA_TOP/loadjava";
loadjava -u $FDEBS_DB_USER/$FDEBS_DB_PASSWORD@"$AD_APPS_JDBC_URL" $JAVA_TOP/xxt/oracle/apps/ak/xxperson/schema/server/xxPersonDetailsEOImpl.class -forceloadjava/dependency.jar -force -v -r -t