Field | Required | Description |
Realm Name | Yes | Name of the Active Directory realm. |
Description | No | Description of the realm. |
Active | No | Whether the realm is active or not. Default is Active. |
User Search Base | Yes | Provide the user base dn in the Active Directory server. For example, CN=Users,DC=flexagondev,DC=local. |
User Search Filter | Yes | Provide the user search filter. For example, (&(objectClass=*)(sAMAccountName={0})) |
URL | Yes | Provide URL to access active directory server. For example, ldap://localhost:10389 |
System User Name | Yes | Provide read-only user name to access active directory server. For example, CN=flexservice,CN=Users,DC=flexagondev,DC=local |
System Password | Yes | Provide password for specified system user name. |
Group Mapping Enabled | No | Check if you want to map active directory groups to FlexDeploy groups. |
Group Search Base | No | Provide Group base tree in active directory server. For example, CN=Groups,DC=flexagondev,DC=local . |
Group Search Filter | No | Provide search filter to find groups in Group Search Base. For example, (objectClass=group) |
Group Mapping with External Directory Server