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Table of Contents

Click the  button to create a new Endpoint, or select an existing Endpoint by clicking on the desired row. Enter the required fields as defined in the table below.


. Unix and Windows are the supported types.

For Microsoft Windows, must have Cygwin installed, along with the openssh package. See the Cygwin Installation Guide for more information.

Field Name



Endpoint Name


The name of the Endpoint.



An optional description for the Endpoint.



Whether or not the endpoint is active in the system. Defaults to "Yes".

Connection Type


The connection type used for connection to the Endpoint.


  • localhost
  • Unix - SSH
  • WIndows - SSH     Supported on Windows Server 2019 where native OpenSSH is available.
  • Windows - SSH (Cygwin)     See the Cygwin Installation Guide for more information.

OS Type

The operating system of the
Endpoint Endpoint Details

Endpoint Address


The DNS name or IP address of the Endpoint.



The SSH port of the Endpoint (typically port 22).

Base DirectoryYes

A working directory on the Endpoint used by FlexDeploy. ~ is not supported here.

For example, /app/flexdeploy.

If you have two FlexDeploy installations that may connect to same Endpoint, you must use unique folders for both FlexDeploy Servers. In most cases, separate FlexDeploy is installed to perform testing of FlexDeploy patches, which may connect to same Endpoint, in which case you can use different folder like /app/flexdeploytest and /app/flexdeploy.

JDK HomeYesThe JDK Home directory on the Endpoint. For example, /usr/java. FlexDeploy will look for /bin/java under specified JDK Home folder. Not required if the Endpoint is a Docker Host.

Authentication TypeYes

Mechanism to use for authentication.  The Password, Private Key File, and Passphrase are displayed based on selected type.


  • Username and Password
  • Username and SSH Key
  • Username andd and SSH Key with Passphrase

User Name


The user account on the Endpoint to connect with. All executions via this endpoint will run as this user.



The password for the User Name. Either password or Private Key File is required.

Private Key File


Fully-qualified path of the SSH private key file on FlexDeploy server. Either Private Key File or Password is required. ~ is not supported here.



An optional passphrase used when the private key was generated. Only valid if a Private Key File is specified.

Run As (sudo)No

An optional user to run as (using sudo) after establishing connection to the endpoint when working with Unix OS.

  • Add sudoers rule, such that User Name can sudo to Run As user without prompting for a password.
  • Test by executing the following from FlexDeploy server terminal, connected as User Name: “sudo -u <run as user> bash -c whoami”.  Output should be the name of the Run As user without prompting for a password.
  • After completing endpoint configuration, click “Test Connection” on the Endpoint.

Container Details

Docker HostYesWhether or not the endpoint is capable of running Docker containers
K8s ClusterNoWhether or not the endpoint can run Docker containers on a K8s cluster
K8s ContextNoName of the configured K8s context

GroupNoAn optional group identifier which can be useful when searching for Endpoints.
SubgroupNoAn optional subgroup identifier which can be useful when searching for Endpoints.


To inactivate an endpoint click the Active link on the desired Endpoint, and it will toggle to Inactive. This will hide that Endpoint after leaving the screen, until the Active checkbox is unchecked. To reactivate an Enpoint, click the Inactive link and it will toggle back to Active. This endpoint is now active in the system again and ready for use.


It is typical to use the default file name and location to store the private key (which is in the .ssh subfolder of the user's home directory). You can optionally secure the private key file with a passphrase. It is an SSH requirement that the private key be readable only by its owner (e.g. oracle in the example above). So you must change the permissions accordingly (e.g. chmod 600 /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa). You will receive an error at connection time similar to the following if you omit this step.

Permissions 0777 for '/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open.

It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others otherwise private key will be ignored.


The /home/oracle/.ssh folder on the endpoint must have drw------- permissions. For example,

  • chmod -R 700 $HOME/.ssh
  • chmod 700 $HOME
