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This operation installs a Gateway Node on endpoints configured with the resource 'Oracle API Platform Node Server' on the environment instance.  The operation requires a gateway-props.json file for configuration.  See the special considerations below for more information on the gateway-props.json file.


Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription
Oracle API Platform AccountFDOAP_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODEYThe Oracle API Platform cloud account to use for this operation. 

Absolute location of where to install the gateway node configuration.  This is where the executable and libraries will be located.  This should be empty prior to running this operation.  

Note that this is different compared to the 'nodeInstallDir' property in the gateway-props.json

Node Weblogic UserFDOAP_NODE_WL_ADMIN_USERYWeblogic admin user to configure when creating the node.  Oracle API Platform Nodes are weblogic servers and this is your admin user.
Node Weblogic PasswordFDOAP_NODE_WL_ADMIN_PASSWORDYWeblogic admin password to configure when creating the node.


Property KeyDescriptionRequiredExample ValueRecommendation
logicalGatewayIdLogical Gateway Id to join the Node to.  Only required if using the default Node install action.Sometimes117FlexDeploy property ${{FDOAP_GATEWAY_ID}}.
logicalGatewayLogical Gateway Name to create during installation.  Only required when running 'install-configure-start-create-join'SometimesDevelopmentEither create your own FD property or some variation on FD_ENVIRONMENT_NAME
gatewayNodeNameThe name of the Gateway Node to create.YesNode MyDevServerNode ${{FD_ENDPOINT_NAME}}
gatewayNodeDescriptionThe description you see when inspecting the node.YesCreated through FlexDeployInclude ${{FD_PROJECT_VERSION}} somewhere
listenIpAddressThe internal IP used for configurationYesyourinternalhostCould potentially use ${{FD_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS}}
publishAddressThe public IP used for configurationYesyourhostCould potentially use ${{FD_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS}}
nodeInstallDirDirectory where to install the node.  This is different than 'Oracle Gateway Install Home' above.Yes/opt/apiplatform/nodeKeep this the same across Nodes for consistency.
gatewayExecutionModeDevelopment|Production.  Development has certain networking security disabled.YesDevelopmentCreate a user defined input


Property KeyDerived Value
gatewayadminNameNode Weblogic User Environment Instance Property
gatewayadminPasswordNode Weblogic Password Environment Instance Property
gatewayManagerUserOracle API Username Cloud Account Property
gatewayManagerPasswordOracle API Password Cloud Account Property
clientIdOracle API Client Id Cloud Account Property
clientSecretOracle API Client Secret Cloud Account Property
gatewayRuntimeUserOracle API Username Cloud Account Property
gatewayRuntimePasswordOracle API Password Cloud Account Property
managementServiceUrlOracle API Platform Url Cloud Account Property
idcsUrlOracle Identity Url Cloud Account Property
requestScopeCombination of Audience and Scope Cloud Account Properties.  Also adds 'offline_access'.
