Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


snapshotIdURLYesPath parameter for the snapshot Id which is used to return a snapshot
releaseIdURLYesPath parameter for the release Id which contains the snapshot that will be returned

If given, environmentExecutions will only be returned if gateName is present in one of them.

All environmentExecutions that have been run will be returned.

This will indicate that a gate matching that name was already passed, or is currently waiting for a schedule or approval.


If given, environmentExecutions will only be returned if stepName is present in one of them.

All environmentExecutions that have been run will be returned.

This will indicate that a step matching that name was already passed, or is currently running.


If given, environmentExecutions will be filtered to only this environment.

This filter is done before filtering for gate and step names.

If a gate or step name is passed in with this parameter, that gate or step must be present in this stage or the environmentExecutions array will always come back containing 0 elements.


Snapshot Execution JSON objects can having the following attributes:

snapshotId id snapshot
pipelineExecutionIdLongThe Id of the Pipeline Execution


StringLongThe name id of the snapshot, which is generated based on the time of creationsnapshotStatus

The status of the snapshotPipeline Execution. Possible values are:

  • COMPLETED RUNNING- The snapshot was successfully assembled, but has not yet been sent to pipeline for executionpipeline is in progress now.
  • FAILED - The snapshot failed to be assembled (which could mean the underlying build failed).
  • FAILED TO INITIATE - The snapshot was assembled, but failed to be sent to the pipeline for execution.
  • INITIATED - The snapshot has been sent to the pipeline for execution.
  • PENDING - The snapshot is in the process of being assembled and sent to the pipeline for execution.
descriptionStringThe description of the snapshot
snapshotVersionsList<SnapshotVersionPojo>The version information about the projects/packages contained within this snapshot
Elements of snapshotVersions has
  •  The pipeline failed. It is eligible for replay.
  • ABORTED - The pipeline was aborted. It is eligible for replay.
  • OUT_OF_DATE - The pipeline was superseded by a later version that went through the gate ahead of it. It is NOT eligible for replay. To make these exact versions go through the pipeline, copy the snapshot by creating a new one derived from it.
  • SUCCESSFUL - The pipeline was completed.
pipelineEnvironmentStatusesArray of pipelineEnvironmentStatusAn array of stages (environments) in the order that they appear on the pipeline definition page.

Elements of pipelineEnvironmentStatus have the following attributes:

The current status of the individual project version within the snapshot. Possible values are:

  • PENDING - The project is has not yet been built for the snapshot. 
  • SUBMITTED - The project is currently being built for the snapshot.
  • COMPLETED - The project has been built successfully for the snapshot.
  • FAILED - The project has failed to build.
  • EXISTING - The snapshot is utilizing an already built version of the project.

    The id of

    the project
    projectStreamIdLongThe id of the Stream which the project/package was built from
    projectVersionIdLongThe version id of the project

    this environment (stage)


    The code of this environment (stage)

    e.g. DEV


    The status of the Stage Execution. Possible values are:

    RUNNING_GATES - Waiting for a gate to complete
    FAILED - The stage failed. It is eligible for replay.
    OUT_OF_DATE - The pipeline was superseded by a later version that went through the gate ahead of it. It is NOT eligible for replay. To make these exact versions go through the pipeline, copy the snapshot by creating a new one derived from it.
    REJECTED - An approval was denied. It is eligible for replay.
    GATES_FAILED - The gates failed. It is eligible for replay.
    ABORTED - The pipeline failed. It is eligible for replay.
    SUCCESSFUL - The pipeline execution completed this stage. This snapshot's result in this stage is final.


    The name of

    the package (partial deployment projects only)
    requestAllFilesBooleanWhether or not the project includes all files (partial deployment projects only)

    this environment (stage)

    e.g. Dev


    The name of the gate currently being processed, or null if not currently waiting on a gate.

    It is possible that the next action will be to wait on a gate but that it hasn't begun to wait yet.


    The name of the step currently being processed, or null if not currently running a step.

    It is possible that the next action will be to perform a step but that it hasn't begun yet.

    It is possible that multiple steps are currently being run. This will still return one result.

    It is possible that all the child steps of a parent step have completed but that the thread that is processing step execution hasn't noticed yet. In this case the parent step will be returned even though all its children are complete. In a few moments the next step will be returned instead.

    stageExecutionIdLongThe Id of the stageExecution
    stepExecutionsArray of stepExecution

    An array of steps in the order that they appear on the pipeline definition stage details page.

    The json object was flattened so groups and parent and child steps are easier to parse.

    environmentSortOrderIntegerThe order of the environment in the pipeline definition
    gateExecutionsArray of gateExecutionAn array of gates in the order that they appear on the pipeline definition stage details page.

    Elements of stepExecution have the following attributes:


    The id of this environment (stage)


    The code of this environment (stage)

    e.g. DEV

    stepDescriptionStringThe description of the step
    waitDurationLongThe wait time of a wait step
    roleNameStringThe role associated to the step
    cronExpressionStringThe cron expression in a scheduled step
    wait_till_dateTimestampThe wait until date of a wait step
    stepOrderFloatThe order of the step in the stage

    Response Codes

    HTTP CodeDescription
    200Snapshot Execution was found and returned
    400Bad request (Snapshot wasn't in given releaseId)
    401Unauthorized (User may not be signed in or user may not have read access to this release)
    500Unexpected internal server error


    If a snapshot in our database had an id of 10005 10401 and releaseId of 14321 10201 and a GET request was sent to http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/releases/1432110201/snapshot/1000510401/execution 

    A Snapshot Execution JSON object will be returned with snapshot execution information:

    Code Block
    "pipelineExecutionId": 10404,
    "snapshotId": 10401,
    "pipelineExecutionStatus": "RUNNING",
    "pipelineEnvironmentStatuses": [
    "environmentId": 11701,
    "environmentCode": "E",
    "stageExecutionStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "environmentName": "e",
    "currentGateName": null,
    "currentStepName": null,
    "stageExecutionId": 10405,
    "stepExecutions": [
    "stepName": "asdfasdf",
    "stepType": "STAGE_DEPLOY_ALL_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 1
    "environmentSortOrder": 1,
    "gateExecutions": [
    "gateName": "asdf",
    "gateType": "STAGE_EXT_APPROVAL_GATE",
    "gateStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "gateDescription": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "gateOrder": 1
    "gateName": "qwewerq",
    "gateType": "STAGE_SCHEDULED_GATE",
    "gateStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "gateDescription": "qwerqwerqwerqwerqwer",
    "cronExpression": "* * 12 * * ?",
    "roleName": "asdfasdfasdf",
    "gateOrder": 2
    "gateName": "arraswer",
    "gateType": "STAGE_APPROVAL_GATE",
    "gateStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "gateDescription": "asdferasdf",
    "cronExpression": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "gateOrder": 3
    "environmentId": 11112,
    "environmentCode": "D",
    "stageExecutionStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "environmentName": "d",
    "currentGateName": null,
    "currentStepName": null,
    "stageExecutionId": 10411,
    "stepExecutions": [
    "stepName": "s",
    "stepType": "STAGE_DEPLOY_ALL_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 1
    "stepName": "d22",
    "stepType": "STAGE_DEPLOY_ALL_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 2
    "stepName": "ggg",
    "stepType": "STAGE_GROUP_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 2
    "stepName": "d2",
    "stepType": "STAGE_DEPLOY_ALL_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 2.1
    "stepName": "test1",
    "stepType": "STAGE_TEST_ALL_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 3
    "environmentSortOrder": 2,
    "gateExecutions": [],
    "environmentId": 11703,
    "environmentCode": "G",
    "stageExecutionStatus": "RUNNING_STEPS",
    "environmentName": "g",
    "currentGateName": null,
    "currentStepName": null,
    "stageExecutionId": 10420,
    "stepExecutions": [
    "stepName": "44321",
    "stepType": "STAGE_WAIT_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SCHEDULED",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": null,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": 1550699280000,
    "stepOrder": 1
    "stepName": "1234",
    "stepType": "STAGE_WAIT_STEP",
    "stepStatus": "SCHEDULED",
    "stepDescription": null,
    "waitDuration": 1234,
    "roleName": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "wait_till_date": null,
    "stepOrder": 1
    "environmentSortOrder": 3,
    "gateExecutions": [
    "gateName": "test",
    "gateType": "STAGE_TEST_GATE",
    "gateStatus": "SUCCESSFUL",
    "gateDescription": null,
    "cronExpression": null,
    "roleName": "asdfasdftest",
    "gateOrder": 1