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Property Name

Property Code



Oracle Database URL



The JDBC URL for the target Oracle database.

Oracle Database UserFDORA_USERYesTheFDORA_DRIVER_PATH The username that will be used to connect to the target Oracle Database.
Oracle Database PasswordFDORA_PASSWORDYesThe password for Oracle Database User.
Target JDBC Driver Path.FDORA_DRIVER_PATHYesPath containing JDBC driver for target database connection.
DDL Repo JDBC Driver PathFDORA_DDL_DRIVER_PATHYesPath containing JDBC driver for DDL repository database connection.
DDL Repository URLFDORA_DDL_URLYesThe JDBC URL for the DDL repository.
DDL Repository UserFDORA_DDL_USERYesThe userid used to connect to the DDL repository.
DDL Repository PasswordFDORA_DDL_PASSWORDYesThe password for the DDL repository userid.
