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Run command example below uses port number 8004 for access to FlexDeploy application, which maps to 8080 port inside docker container. Oracle database is referenced using FLEX_DB_URL environment variable and FD_ADMIN_PWD is password for fd_admin user on your database (setup done in Step 2). Adjust Port Numbers, URL, Password, Docker Volume Folder, Timezone as appropriate for your docker host.

Code Block
docker run --name flexdeploy50 -p 8004:8080 -e FLEX_DB_URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" -e FD_ADMIN_PWD="welcome1" -e TZ=$(date +%Z) -v /scratch/DockerVolume/flexdeploy:/home/oracle flexdeploy/fd_tcat_50:


Run command example below uses port number 8000 for access to FlexDeploy application, which maps to 8080 port inside docker container. Oracle XE is included as part of this image and it's port 1521 is also accessible on docker host. Adjust port numbers, Timezone as appropriate for your docker host.

Code Block
docker run --name flexdeploy50_xe -p 1521:1521 -p 8000:8080 --shm-size=2gb -e TZ=$(date +%Z) flexdeploy/fd_tcat_xe_50:
