FlexDeploy 9.0 application supports requires Java 17 and or 21. Plugins will continue to support various Java versions similar to FlexDeploy 8.0.
Several FlexDeploy screens now leverage WebSocketsWebSocket, as opposed to a traditional polling mechanism using REST APIs, to both improve UI responsiveness and reduce network traffic and server load. This change has been made on the following screens:
Project Execution List
Execution Workflow Steps
Execution Plugin Logs
Release Dashboard
If WebSockets are WebSocket is not available, the screens gracefully fall back to the prior method of polling updates.
FlexDeploy 9.0 application now requires Java 17 and 21 and FlexDeploy Installer 1.0.23 or later should be used with FlexDeploy 9 upgrades.
FLEXDEPLOY-11843 - FlexDeploy no longer user uses Apache Commons Lang. Instead Apache Commons Lang3 is used. This is a potentially breaking change to groovy scripts with custom imports. Use the lang3 import instead if you were importing commons lang.
FLEXDEPLOY-12990 - Deprecated constructor ReleaseProjectsPojo(Long pProjectId, String pPackageName, Boolean pRequestAllFiles) and added ReleaseProjectsPojo(Long pProjectId, String pPackageName)