The FlexDeploy distribution contains the following components:
Change the following locations: You must put absolute path as no environment variables are allowed in this file.
bolt-path: from <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/influxdb/data/influxd.bolt to <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/application/vsm/data/influxd.bolt
engine-path: from <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/influxdb/data/engine to <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/application/vsm/data/engine
sqlite-path: <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/influxdb/data/influxd.sqlite to <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/application/vsm/data/influxd.sqlite
Note |
After starting your server, check the <FLEXDEPLOY_HOME>/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/logs/flexdeploy.0.log file for the following error message:
If present, increase the number of processes for the database
Step 12. Launch FlexDeploy in your browser.
Update hostname in URL to indicate host where FlexDeploy is installed.
Update port if you had modified server.xml for different port number.
You will need to complete Initial Registration process, where you will create admin user for login.
Go to Administration - Plugins on FlexDeploy. Verify that Plugins are loaded. You should not see any files remaining in FD_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY/plugins folder after a few minutes.