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Setup Tasks allow for export and import of setup task as a CSV File package (zip file). If supported, scope can be applied to export a subset of the CSV File package data via Export Criteria. Export Criteria can be easily configured via the FlexDeploy during manual file creation. In the case, scope cannot be applied, please see other supported Oracle Saas FSM object types as an alternative solution.





Default Value

Supported Values



Object Source Location Type



Task Code


Unique id for Setup Task


Export Criteria 


Export Criteria used to apply scope to a setup task.

Filter Criteria


After export, filter criteria is used to apply additional filtering to the setup task.


  • Manage HCM Extract Definitions - this requires use of ExtDefinitionId, which is not visible on FSM UI. Other values do not work with Export CSV API. See to write an adhoc BIP report to query the underlying FSM tables and retrieve name & associated ExtDefinitionId. Other option would be to manually export from FSM UI to capture ExtDefinitionId from ASM_SETUP_CSV_METADATA.xml which is part of Export zip file.

  • Payroll Flow Patterns - this requires use of FlowId, which is not visible on FSM UI. Other values do not work with Export CSV API. There are few options to get FlowId:

    1. See to write an adhoc BIP report to query the underlying FSM tables and retrieve name & associated FlowId.

    Other option would be to manually
    1. Manually export from FSM UI to capture FlowId from ASM_SETUP_CSV_METADATA.xml which is part of

    Export zip file.
    1. exported CSV zip file.

    2. Manually execute the Get all flow patterns REST API REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM using query parameter by BaseFlowNow or other field. The response body will contain FlowId. Example response below

      Code Block
        "items" : [ 
          "FlowId" : 100100075869005,
          "BaseFlowId" : 100100075869005,
          "BaseFlowName" : "123",
          "FlowStatus" : "A",
          "LDGRequired" : "N",
          "LegislationCode" : null,
          "FlowPattern" : "123",
          "Description" : null,
          "LegislativeDataGroupId" : null,
          "ConnectorName" : "123",
          "ConnectorStatus" : "PO",
          "links" : [ 

Filter Criteria

