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To inactivate an endpoint click the Active link on the desired Endpoint, and it will toggle to Inactive. This will hide that Endpoint after leaving the screen, until the Active checkbox is unchecked. To reactivate an Endpoint, click the Inactive link and it will toggle back to Active. This endpoint is now active in the system again and ready for use.


It is typical to use the default file name and location to store the private key (which is in the .ssh subfolder of the user's home directory). You can optionally secure the private key file with a passphrase. It is an SSH requirement that the private key be readable only by its owner (e.g. oracle in the example above). So you must change the permissions accordingly (e.g. chmod 600 /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa). You will receive an error at connection time similar to the following if you omit this step.

Permissions 0777 for '/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open.

It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others otherwise private key will be ignored.


The /home/oracle/.ssh folder on the endpoint must have drw------- permissions. For example,

  • chmod -R 700 $HOME/.ssh

  • chmod 700 $HOME
