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Table of Contents


After configuration we would be able to use the Cloud Account as a drop down from the list.




Repository Structure

The Git repository should contain the manifest file.

The Sample A sample Git repository structure is given below.




Configure IAM user

To access the EKS cluster we need to create an AWS IAM account with required permissions.


Assign user to relevant group so that it has relevant access to cluster

kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth




Build and Deploy Workflows

Navigate to the Workflows tab and create a workflow using the “+”(Click to create new Workflow) (blue star) button as highlighted below.


Next, create Create one Build and Deploy workflow as shown below. The workflow Type field defines the type of workflow.
Build Workflow

  1. Navigate to the Workflows

  2. Select the “+” button from the left-hand pane to create a new workflow


Deploy Workflow

  1. navigate to the Workflows

  2. Select the “+” button from the left-hand pane to create a new workflow


The Workflow Group and Subgroup define the folder hierarchy. Once both workflows are created it should look like the below. No constraint on workflow or folder naming convention.


The steps of the workflow execution can be configured through the Workflow Definition section.


one Deploy workflow.

Build Workflow

Below given is a sample build workflow to copy the file from a Git repository.


Step-i: Clone Git Repository
This step will clone the Git repository codebase into the project execution working directory. The Git URL will be retrieved from Source Control configured under Project Configuration.


Step-ii: Copy the manifest file
The below step will copy the manifest file to the artifact directory. Also check the Produces Artifact option to save the files as artifact Artifact so that can be used from Deploy workflow.


Deploy Workflow

Below given is a sample build deploy workflow to deploy an application on the EKS cluster.


This step will deploy the Nginx application, using the manifest on the EKS cluster. Context must be provided to apply changes. The context should be present inside kubeconfig file.





Navigate to the Project tab and create a Project with a logical name(Kubernetes in this case)
