4. FlexDeploy Realm Config
Go to Realms and Enable Single Sign-On.
Click fdSSO to edit the SSO config. Replace capitalized text with appropriate values. Update values in the configuration file as shown below.
FLEXDEPLOY_HOME - Directory on the server where FlexDeploy is installed
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - The Java key store password.
PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD -The private key password.
SF_METADATA_URL - The Metadata URL (from Salesforce) to the identity provider metadata (e.g. https://flexagon9-dev-ed.my.salesforce.com/.well-known/samlidp.xml).
FLEXDEPLOY_HOST - FlexDeploy application host
FLEXDEPLOY_PORT - FlexDeploy application port
ENTITY_ID - The Entity Id found in the connected app (e.g https://app-poc-e15b5cfc83cc.azurewebsites.net/flexdeploy/callback?client_name=SAML2Client).
PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYSTORE_FILE - The path to the keystore, including the file name and extension.
Info |
Configuration TipsIf the Java keystore referenced (line 3) does not exist, it will automatically be created, and key will be generated and inserted into the keystore using the passwords provided (line 3 and 4). Property replacement syntax can be used within the Realm configuration to retrieve a Credential value. It is replaced at runtime. |
5. Restart FlexDeploy to apply configuration changes