Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On the package list screen, there are several actions available.




Create (1)

Create new package.

Edit / View (2)

Click on package name to edit or view package details.

Delete (3)

Delete selected package. Executions for the package will not be deleted. If package is configured in Release, delete is not allowed.

Update Status

Inactivate, Activate, or mark the package complete.

When a user clicks on the package name button, the package execution screen appears.



Only mark a package Completed when you are certain it is no longer required.

Package Types

The package type can be defined asĀ User Managed or Dynamic.


Below is an example of a dynamic package that includes all the .profile files of the project.


Include/Exclude Examples





Include all .xml files within the /java folder


Include any file ending in a .sql extension


Include any file as long as it is somewhere under a folder named folder1



Include all .fmb files except those whose filenames end with EXT



Include all files except files ending in .txt or .ts

Alternative it can be written as a single exclude: .*\.(ts|txt)

Building a Package

To build a package, go to the execution screen and click Build.


Once associated (1), Issues will be automatically associated during the build process (2).


Add File(s) from Change Logs

When the user clicks on Add File(s) from the Change Logs button, the search and select file revision screen is displayed, as shown below. Clicking a revision will add all files that were changed in that commit to this package.


Click Add to add the files.

View Dependencies

If the project's type supports dependencies, you will see an additional View Dependencies button on this edit package screen. When the user clicks the View Dependencies button, FlexDeploy will show all dependencies that have been analyzed for the files in the package. From this popup, you can select any dependent files to add to your package and re-analyze dependencies. Note that files that haven't been committed to source control or discovered for this project cannot be added to your package.


Add Subcomponents

If the project's type supports subcomponents you will see an additional Add Subcomponents option for file types that support subcomponents. When you click the Add Subcomponents option, FlexDeploy will find all supported subcomponents for the selected file. This allows users to build and deploy only certain parts of a specific file. From this popup, you can preview and select any subcomponents to add to your package. You are able to select the branch that the selected files are sourced from if the project uses an SCM, or the Salesforce Org account if the project type is Salesforce and SCM type is set to NONE. When selecting a Salesforce Org from the drop down, FlexDeploy will attempt to source the specified files from that Salesforce Org and break the files down into subcomponents based on the content of the file from the Salesforce Org.


Copy to Package / Move to Package

When a user selects one or more files and right clicks, Copy/Move Files to Package and Remove are available action options.

Search for existing packages in the project to copy files to or create a new package to copy files to. Note that your current context will not change.



Package Editable

Packages with a status of Completed or Inactive cannot be built or deployed. Once a package becomes Completed, it can no longer be edited. Packages that are a part of an active release cannot be set to


Inactive. Since FlexDeploy 7.0, Completed packages can be made Active.