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To build, deploy or execute a project , open it and go to the execution screen.



Project activity is sorted by requested time in descending order.

Building a Standard Project

From the Execution tab, click the Build button.


Deploying a Project

From the Execution tab, click the Submit Deploy Request button in the row of the project version that you wish to deploy. This is the same for standard and package-based projects.


Make sure to select the correct environment and target group(s) that you wish to deploy to.


Building a Package-Based Project

Package-based projects have an extra tab called Packages. This tab allows you to define groups of files that will be built and deployed together.


Sometimes during the course of development it is helpful to redo a specific Build, Deploy, Test, or Utility execution. In the case of packages, developers will be updating files and refining the package over time. You can click the Re-build/Re-deploy/Re-execute icon on the project activity screen to bring up the corresponding Request Form with the values from the chosen workflow execution filled in. This helps create new build, deploy, test, or utility requests quickly based on the current workflow execution's parameters.


Executing a Utility Project

From the Execution tab, click the Execute button.


Fill in the values of the Environment and the Target Groups you wish to execute the utility on. Optionally enter change tickets or a start time in the advanced section.

Click the Submit button to submit the execute request.

Testing a Project

From the Execution tab, click the Test button.


Monitoring Project Workflow Requests

Once a project build or deployment request has been submitted, the request status can be monitored by clicking on the Request Id.


Monitoring Project Workflow Execution

Once a project build or deployment request has been submitted, it can be monitored by clicking on the Execution Id.
