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Click the Done button to save the changes to the role (be sure to also save the pipeline, or changes will be lost).


Pipeline Properties are used to decorate a release with some context.  Values for the properties are provided on each release, or as inputs for each snapshot based on the value set for Property Type and may be used in various groovy scripts within the pipeline definition.   Properties with the type set to “Property“ can be set through the properties section of the release, whereas with the type set to “Input“, the user is prompted to enter a value for the property during snapshot creation.

For example, only execute a particular step in the pipeline if the "Release Type" is "Security" and restart any associated services in the release based on the value set for “Restart Services“ for each snapshot.


To create a new Pipeline Property, click the Create button. To edit or delete an existing Pipeline Property, use the Edit option options from the Actions menu. Properties can also be deleted through the Delete option from the Actions menuThe Edit Property wizard provides multiple options for customizing the overall behavior of the property.





A code for the property, as appropriate for variables within Groovy or Shell scripts.  (e.g. no spaces or special characters other than underscore.)

Display Name

A meaningful name for the property used for display.


A meaningful description for the property.  


Whether or not a value is required for this property.


Whether or not to encrypt the value, not display on screen or in the logs.  Allows selecting the default value from credentials available in the FlexDeploy instance.

Default Value

A default value to assign to the property if not specified on the release or in the snapshot input.

Validation Script

Optional Groovy Script to validate provided value.  The script should return true if the value is valid, and false otherwise.  The user-specified value is available to the script in the Value variable.  If not valid, the ValidationMessage is displayed to the user.

For example,

Code Block
if ("BAD".equals(Value)) {ValidationMessage="Bad value!!"; return false;} else {return true;}

Field Data Type

The data type for this property.

List Data CSV

A comma separated list of valid values for the property. Optional, and only applicable for Text Field and Text Area data type.


Whether multiple values can be selected from the List Data.  Only applicable for Text Field data type, and when List Data CSV is provided.


The maximum allowed length of the property value.  Optional, and only applicable for String data type.
