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Edit the Basic SAML Configuration.


Fill in an identifier, the and reply , relay, and logout urls.


Download the certificate and install it in a keystore. The keystore will be specified in the ssoSSO Realm.config file.

Do not place the keystore in apache-tomcat-flexdeploy. This folder is cleaned up on FlexDeploy upgrades.

You can import it into the same keystore which was created as part of the HTTPS configuration. If you didn’t use one, then you can create a keystore:. If you are a SaaS customer, contact support to update your certificate.

Code Block
#Create a keystore (if needed)
/u01/java/jdk8/bin/keytool -genkey -alias mykeystorealias -keyalg RSA -keystore /home/oracle/flexdeploy.keystore


  • FLEXDEPLOY_HOME - Directory on the server where FlexDeploy is installed. Should have subfolders for work, webapps, bin, conf, lib etc

  • KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - The Java key store password that you used when creating the keystore above.

  • PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD -The private key password that you used when importing the Azure Certificate, which may be different from the keystore password.

  • METADATA_URL - The App Federation Metadata Url (e.g.<tenant-id>/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml?appid=<app-id>).

  • FLEXDEPLOY_HOST - FlexDeploy application host

  • FLEXDEPLOY_PORT - FlexDeploy application port

  • APPLICATION_ID - Azure application/client id (copied from the Azure portal)
