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AWS Access Key

AWS Access Key of the user.

AWS Secret Key

Password for the Access Key

AWS Default Region

Default region can be set. eg. ap-south-1

AWS CLI Installation

AWS CLI needs to be installed where the plugin operation shall run (FlexDeploy server)

AWS CLI in class path

AWS CLI should be added to the class path on the FlexDeploy Server. Else the path can also be set under FlexDeploy environment level property

AWS Lambda Function

AWS Lambda Function should be already present.


AWS KMS key to secured the environment variable.


AWS Elastic Container Registry should be already created.

Configure Container Account

Configure the container account, with AWS ECR registry details.

Configure Cloud Account

To connect with AWS Lambda Function, we required to configure Cloud account, with credentials details. Configure AWS Cloud Account under Integration. FlexDeploy will connect to the Lambda Function and add the environment variables.


We can use Key ID or Key ARN value in the project to encrypt the variables, both are accepted.

Create AWS ECR

Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) is a managed container image registry service. Customers can use the familiar Docker CLI, or their preferred client, to push, pull, and manage images. Amazon ECR provides a secure, scalable, and reliable registry for your Docker or Open Container Initiative (OCI) images. Amazon ECR supports private repositories with resource-based permissions using IAM so that specific users or Amazon EC2 instances can access repositories and images.

To create the AWS ECR go to the AWS console

  1. Navigate to the Services

  2. Select Containers from the left-hand pane

  3. Now click on the Elastic Container Registry service option


After selecting the Elastic Container Registry service, new window will open and it contains detail of all the ECR details.


Now select the create repository option, it will open window to create repository and configured details.


Configure Container account

Configure AWS Container Account under Topology. FlexDeploy will connect to the AWS private container registry and push the image.


  1. Docker Registry Token/password needs to be kept hidden. To update the same click on the pencil icon as shown below

  2. next update the AWS IAM user key under Secret Text. This is to make sure no one else can retrieve the password


Git repository structure

The Git repository should be a docker based application. Dockerfile should be present in application to build the image and environment variables file to add the variables.

The Sample Git repository structure is given below:
