Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


We can see the details of ECR registry.


Configure Container account


  1. navigate to the Workflows

  2. Select the “+” button from the left-hand pane to create a new workflow


The Workflow Group and Subgroup define the folder hierarchy. Once both workflows are created it should look like the below. No constraint on workflow or folder naming convention.


The steps of the workflow execution can be configured through the Workflow Definition section.


Below given is a sample build workflow to copy the file from Git repository.


Step-i: Clone Git Repository
This step will clone the Git repository codebase into the project execution working directory. The Git URL will be retrieved from Source Control configured under Project Configuration.


Step-ii: Copy the environment file
The below step will copy the environment file to the artifact. Also check the Produces Artifact option to save the files as artifact so that can be used from Deploy workflow.


Below given is a sample workflow to build and push image to AWS ECR and then use this Image to update Lambda function code.


Step-i: Clone Git Repository

This step will clone the Git repository codebase into the project execution working directory. The Git URL will be retrieved from Source Control configured under Project Configuration.


Step-ii: Build and Push the docker image to AWS private container registry

Below given is the Docker plugin(buildImage operation) configurations. The below step will build and push docker image to AWS private container registry.


The plugin operation by default would look for Dokerfile under TEMP directory. In case the same exist in some other folder, relative path has to be specified from TEMP directory.

Step-iii: updateLambdaFunctionCode

This step will deploy Lambda function code, and also publish the function version. We are setting function version variable, which we will use in upsert lambda operation.


In above configuration using following Inputs.

Input Name

Input Code




Additional Arguments




Literal key and value pairs. e.g. --region=us-east-1

And for boolean type arguments give the option without any value. e.g --publish --debug

Environment Variables




Environment Variables in acceptable format.

Publish new version




Select to publish a new version. Default value is false.