AWS CLI path can be set as environment property, if it’s not set then by default plugin will check for CLI in system classpath.
Properties at Project
Let assume a scenario, where we want to change Cloud account for any specific project. Apart from setting at environment level, it can also be set at project properties by using Override Property. Please check below mentioned steps.
And we have selected the publish version option from the workflow so we can verify the published function version, from the plugin output and AWS Lambda console.
Code to
Retrieve the
Secured Variables
We have also added some non-secured variables ( Password and Mysql_Connection_String ) to the Lambda Function and to encrypt these variables we have used AWS KMS key, to get the values of secured variables we can use the sample code provided by AWS Lambda according to the Function code language. In our case we are using java script, below is the sample code to get the value of secured and non-secured variables and creating the response to print the values.