Field | Required | Description |
Active | Yes | Whether this FlexField is active or not. Defaults to No. |
Visible | Yes | Invisible FlexFields that are active can be used to perform some validations prior to submit of build/deploy request. |
Column Name | Yes | The name of the FlexField column. Read-only field. |
Code | Yes | User-defined code that identifies this FlexField. |
Display Name | Yes | Display name, which is used in Build or Deployment Request Form, reports etc. |
Description | No | Description for the FlexField which will be displayed on the Build or Deployment Request Form. |
Datatype | Yes | The FlexField's data type. Default is String. |
Rows | No | Display attribute that defines the number of rows in the input field on the Build or Deployment Request Form. |
List Data CSV | No | Allows the user to define a comma-separated list of values that will be displayed in the Workflow Request page. If given, a Dropdown component will be displayed on the Build or Deployment Request Form. |
Required | Yes | Whether the FlexField is required or not. Defaults to No. |
Length | No | For String data type, this controls length of value being entered. |
Min Value | No | User can control the minimum value for data types such as Integer, Double and Long. |
Max Value | No | User can control the maximum value for data types such as Integer, Double and Long. |
Default Value Groovy Script | No | Enter Groovy script to define default values for the FlexField. This script should return the value that the FlexField will be defaulted to. Groovy script can use these variables: |
Validation Groovy Script | No | Enter Groovy script to define validation for the FlexField. The script should return true or false to indicate validation success or failure. See an example. Groovy script can use these variables: EnvironmentCode – environment for deploy or build request. InstanceCodes - Instance for deploy or build request. Comma separated String value. ProjectName – name of the project being built or deployed. ApplicationName – name of the application that the project(s) being built or deployed are under. FolderPath – fully qualified name to the project or application. PartialDeploymentsFlag – flag indicating if a project uses partial deployment. ProjectType – type of project, set up on creation, being built or deploy (EBS, Oracle MFT, Oracle BI, Oracle DB, Oracle Forms, or Salesforce). WorkflowName – name of the workflow being used to perform the build or deployment. PackageName - Package Name for build request. This would be value entered by user on Build Request form. StartTime - Start Time indicated by user on Deploy Request form. BranchName - Branch name associated with request. On Build form user selects Branch, on Deploy form Branch is derived based on selected Project version. BranchAttribute1 - Branch Attribute 1 BranchAttribute2 - Branch Attribute 2 BranchAttribute3 - Branch Attribute 3 BuildEnvironmentCode - Useful for Deploy request, this indicates which Environment was used for Build. BuildInstanceCode - Useful for Deploy request, this indicates which Instance was used for Build. UserName - Logged in user name UserRoles - List object containing logged in user's FlexDeploy Groups. Force - True if user selects Force. ExceptionToWindow - True if user selects Exception to Window, only applicable to Deploy TriggerType - Useful to determine if CI is triggering this request. Possible values are POLL_SCM, MANUAL, REVERT, RELEASE, SCHEDULE, POST_BUILD, POST_REFRESH, WEBHOOK
topology - Has the following functions available for dealing with topology: getInstanceProperties(String pInstanceCode) - returns a Map<String,Object> of instance properties for the given instance. isMappedToCurrentEnvironment(String pInstanceCode) - returns a boolean if the given instance is mapped to this environment. getMappedInstances() - returns a List<String> of every mapped instance.
Value – value entered by user for FlexField. ValidationMessage – script can set specific error message in attribute, only used if script returns false.
Updated By | N/A | The user who last updated the FlexField (read-only). |
Updated On | N/A | The date/time in which the FlexField was last updated (read-only). |