Versions Compared


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Since FlexDeploy, all FlexDeploy Jira integrations now support v3 of the Jira REST API. Users who opt into v3 will notice more accurate comments and descriptions when viewing Jira Work Items in FlexDeploy. You can begin utilizing v3 by updating the Jira REST API Pattern property on your Jira Integrations (e.g. /rest/api/3/issue/{JIRA_ISSUE}).

Creating an OAuth Token for FlexDeploy


  1. Go to Jira and login as the user you want to comment on Jira Issues with.

  2. Generate an API Token in Jira following this guide. ​


JIRA Issue Tracking Instances

A Jira instance looks like this:



Setting Up Folders and Projects to Use the


JIRA Issue Tracking Instances

Then back in FlexDeploy, set up your folder ITS settings like this:




JIRA Issues to FlexDeploy Builds

Now you are ready to link tickets with commits or by manually entering them on project builds or project packages.

Linking with Commit Messages

Set up your FlexDeploy Project Project’s Issue Tracking configuration with a ticket work item pattern. The pattern must be Jira Project name + “-” + issue number. If your Jira project name is FLEXDEPLOY, then you can use FLEXDEPLOY-1234 in commit message as FLEXDEPLOY- would be setup as work item pattern.

Alternative you can always just prefix with # and not work item pattern configuration is necessary. For example include #FLEXDEPLOY-1234 in commit message and FLEXDEPLOY-1234 work item will be picked up during build.

Following this pattern, make a commit message.



Push and merge your change.


In this example, it’s FLEXDEPLOY. 


Linking Issues to Project Packages
