It is possible to migrate new data, as well as update existing data, using FlexDeploy.
It is possible to take a backup of all the data.
Multiple objects can be included in a single migration, enabling simultaneous data migration for multiple objects.
By creating a set of Data file Types, also known as templates, it is possible to migrate data together while preserving the parent-child relationships between records.
Code, or metadata files, and data can be migrated together in a single deployment package, streamlining the deployment process and ensuring consistency between the code and data in the target environment.
To provide an additional layer of protection, an automatic backup of the existing data can be optionally taken before initiating the migration process. This enables organizations to have a safety net in place in case of any issues that may arise during or after the migration, while also providing flexibility to choose whether or not to take the backup.
Create a Package in FlexDeploy as you would normally. You can have metadata files and data files in the same package.
Make a list of all the objects you would like to migrate
Use Create button to Create a new Data object template file to migrate (build and deploy). Start creating with the top-level object of your objects and repeat the step for all the objects in the sequence. You can adjust sequencing if got created in the wrong order.
Select Operation type. Upsert for updating records or Insert if doesn’t exist. Insert for creating records. Export Only for no deployment, only export to CSV for backup purposes, which allows you to select non-updatable fields.
Select the Object
Select all the columns you would like to migrate
Do not select any of the [Not Updatable] columns except the Id and External Id fields, if you would like to migrate the data. If you are just taking backup and wanted non-updatable columns also, then you can select them.
Enter the filter if you would like. Here are some examples
Name LIKE 'A%'
CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) = 2011
Select the External Id. Must be the same as what is configured in the project properties and should be included in the Column Names selection in #b.
File Path defaults based on the Object selected. You can change it to be more appropriate. The need to be unique in your project.
Click Save
That’s it. The package is ready for build and deployment when needed. You can repeat the build to get new data updates for the same set of files and fields.
Build / Download Data
Build the package to connect to your Salesforce Source org and download data as per your package files setup. Click on the Execution tab to submit the build request for that package. Click on Build.