Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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Stop the influxd process (you can leave FlexDeploy running) and you can use recovery commands to determine what your previous values were. These can then be stored into your installer configuration and FlexDeploy credentials.

Code Block
 ps -ef | grep influxdb/influxd | grep -v grep
 kill -9 <pid from the command above>/u01/flexdeploy/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/bin/



Code Block
rm -rf ~/.influxdbv2
mkdir ~/.influxdbv2
echo "[default]
  url = \"http://localhost:8086\"
  token =\"INFLUX_DB_TOKEN\"
  org = \"INFLUX_DB_ORG\"
  active = true
" >  ~/.influxdbv2/configs

Start influx again when you are ready.

Code Block

401 Unauthorized errors in Dashboard/Project Insights even with Org configured
