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Manual Upgrade Instructions
Manual Upgrade Instructions
nameBackup current implementation

File System backup

It is recommended that a backup of the container volume mounted to /home/oracle in case a back out is needed.


Step 3. Upgrade the FlexDeploy schemas

See details in Upgrading FlexDeploy Schemas.


Step 4. Copy plugins from download zip for auto upload



FlexDeploy download zip contains plugin jar files. You just need to copy plugin jars from download zip to plugins folder in your installation (details explained below), and all plugins will be automatically uploaded and activated on server startup.

  1. Plugin files to copy are in the unzipped Tomcat Complete file.

  2. Copy the plugins into the <Mounted Volume>/Plugins directory.


Step 5 . Pull and start new docker image for FlexDeploy.


If using Kubernetes you will instead need to modify your manifest to use the newer version, and to add any new required environment variables.

Code Block
docker pull flexdeploy/fd_tcat:VERSION


  1. p - in this example 8000 is the port which FlexDeploy will be accessed on mapping to port 8080 in the container

  2. FLEX_DB_URL - jdbc URL for accessing the database. See below for syntax

  3. FD_ADMIN_PWD - Password for the fdadmin user in the database

  4. TZ - Time zone for the container. Given example is America/Chicago.

  5. dbtype - if you are using postgres or oracle database.

  6. INFLUX_DB_USER - Username for the built in influxdb

  7. INFLUX_DB_PASSWORD - Password for the built in influxdb. Username and password are only used upon first initialization. After that token is used to connect to the database.

  8. INFLUX_DB_TOKEN - Token used to connect to the built in influxdb.

  9. v - This will set where your application, repository, vsm and logs folders will go on the docker host. Everything before the colon is on the local machine, after is inside the container. Leave that as /home/oracle

  10. Last is the image which will be flexdeploy/fd_tcat: and the version you want to run.


the INFLUX_DB_USER, INFLUX_DB_PASSWORD, and INFLUX_DB_TOKEN environment variables are newly required as of FlexDeploy

Code Block
docker run --name flexdeploy -p 8000:8080 -e FLEX_DB_URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@URL:PORT:xe" -e FD_ADMIN_PWD=DATABASEPASSWORD -e TZ=America/Chicago -e dbtype=oracle|postgres -e INFLUX_DB_USER=flexdeploy -e INFLUX_DB_PASSWORD=INFLUXDBPASSWORD -e INFLUX_DB_TOKEN=INFLXUDBTOKENHERE -v /scratch/DockerVolume/flexdeploy:/home/oracle flexdeploy/fd_tcat:VERSION


  • Oracle

    • Localhost XE connection will look like this. jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE

    • SID based JDBC URL Syntax - jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOSTNAME:PORT:SID

    • Service Name based JDBC URL Syntax - jdbc:oracle:thin:@//HOSTNAME:PORT/SERVICENAME

  • PostgreSQL


Step 6. Launch FlexDeploy in your browser



Step 7. There is no need to activate plugins manually. FlexDeploy will automatically upload and activate new versions of plugins once they are copied to plugins folder. You will notice that plugins that you copied in Step 8 will eventually be uploaded automatically and folder will not have any jar files left. You can also look at Administration - Plugins in UI and see newer versions of plugins.
