Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
import flexagon.ff.common.core.exceptions.FlexCheckedException;

//Carry out any custom action you wish for this event. Check out the snippets for reference or ideas.
def listenerName = "UploadAdd Logslogs Toto Jira";"Running listener: ${listenerName}");

//Prior to this function only returned a list of input streams. Update accordingly
//The second argument specifies we only want the error streams returned.
def streams = FLEXDEPLOY.getPluginLogInputStreams(EVENT.payload.workflowExecutionId, true);

//upfront validation on streams
if(!streams || streams.size() == 0) {
  LOG.logMessagesetMessage("Received failure event but couldn't find any plugin log streams");

//We should only ever have one errored plugin execution, so grab first entry.
def failedPlugin = streams.entrySet().iterator().next();

our form data body
def bodyproperties = REST.getClient().createFormDataWithInputStream(['file': failedPlugin.getValue()], "${failedPlugin.getKey()}.txtgetJiraProperties('JIRA');"${EVENT.payload.issueNumbers}");

for(def properties = getJiraProperties('JIRA');issue: EVENT.payload.issueNumbers) {"Upload logs to issue: ${EVENT.payload.issueNumbersissue}");

for(def issue: EVENT.payload.issueNumbers) {"Upload logs to issue: ${issue};
  //create our form data body
  def body = REST.getClient().createFormDataWithInputStream(['file': failedPlugin.getValue()], "${failedPlugin.getKey()}.txt");
  //send request
  def client = REST.getClient().url(properties.url).addHeader('X-Atlassian-Token', 'no-check').basicauth(properties.user,properties.password);
  def response = client.path("/rest/api/2/issue/${issue}/attachments").post(body);
  LOG.setMessage("Uploaded logs to ${issue}. Response: ${response.getResponseCode()}");

//helper function to get jira properties from integration instance
def getJiraProperties(String code) {
  def instance = FLEXDEPLOY.findIntegrationInstance(code,'ITS');
  def properties = instance.getProperties();
  def url = properties.find { it.getPropertyName() == 'JIRA_URL' }.getPropertyValue();
  def user = properties.find { it.getPropertyName() == 'JIRA_USER_NAME' }.getPropertyValue();
  def password = properties.find { it.getPropertyName() == 'JIRA_PASSWORD' }.getPropertyValue();
  return ['url':url, 'user': user, 'password': password];

The next step is to set up our filter to only process failed workflow completed events with Jira issue numbers.
